No Appointment Necessary!
Dec 24 (10:30am - 2:00pm)
Dec 25-27 (closed)
Dec 28 (10:00am - 4:00pm)
Dec 29-30 (closed)
Dec 31 (10:00am - 2:00pm)
Jan 1-2 (closed)
We pride ourselves on individualized, thoughtful and thorough customer service. We strive to make your eyewear purchasing experience relaxing and fun!
Blue Cross
Great West Life
Green Shield
Sunlife...and others
We service and repair eyeglasses and sunglasses when possible, including replacement parts and lenses.
Tuesday 10:30-5pm
Wednesday 10:30-5pm
Thursday 10:30-5pm
Friday 10:30-5pm
Saturday 11-3pm
Sunday & Monday - closed
YKN Sunglasses & Eyeglasses recognizes that we are in Halifax, or Kjipuktuk, in Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and traditional lands of the Mi'kmaq people. We acknowledge the Peace & Friendship Treaties signed in this Territory and recognize that we are all Treaty People.
Call or drop by. Across the street from Halifax's beautiful Public Gardens, we are conveniently located at 1551 South Park St.
Underground parking available in the building. The entrance to the parking is located between YKN and the Lord Nelson Hotel.